It's May 12th which means it Limerick Day.  This marks the birth anniversary of  Edward Lear who is widely credited for making the limerick popular.  It's also a day that Danny and Sean from the Merrell in the Morning Show like to create their own limerick. 

Here's Sean's limerick concerning Danny's oldest daughter:

There was a young lady named Merrell
Who boys dated at their own peril
So, boys don't you dare honk,
When you should walk up and knock
Or you'll shake hands with daddy's gun barrel


And, here's Danny's limerick about an aging Sean:

There once was a guy named Sean
Who used to have the temperament of a fawn
But since he's gotten older
He's quite a bit colder
Always yelling Hey kids, get off my lawn!


Okay...maybe not the best efforts, but now it's your turn.  Make up a limerick and post it here.  Who knows, it could earn you a prize.

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