Today is Friday the 13th, and already the bad luck is happening.  A water main break is causing issues today, and as of 10:45am, a boil water notice has been issued.  See both releases below.

'Due to a 24”water main break, resulting in low water pressures, the Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has required the City of Lufkin
Water System #0003004 to notify customers of the need to boil their water prior to
To ensure destruction of all harmful bacteria and other microbes, water for
drinking, cooking, and making ice should be boiled and cooled prior to use.
The water should be brought to a vigorous, rolling boil and then boiled for two
minutes. In lieu of boiling, you may purchase bottled water or obtain water from
some other suitable source.
When it is no longer necessary to boil the water, the City of Lufkin Water system
officials will notify you that the water is safe for consumption. Instructions to
discontinue boiling will be issued in the same manner as this notice.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, you may contact one of the
City of Lufkin (936)633-0288'



Due to a water main break over night the city is experiencing low water pressures. Please do not use any unnecessary water.  All yard watering should be eliminated until further notice. The low water pressure is effecting emergency services and the hospitals. The city will send out another message once the main is repaired and water levels are rising. Thanks for your cooperation.

So, please curtail all unnecessary water usage.  It may be Saturday until water levels may be back to normal.  Keep listening to KICKS 105 for more details.

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