Dr. Pepper Tuition Giveaway


Each Lufkin Panther game, Dr. Pepper and Lufkin Coca Cola will give away a $500 tuition scholarship to one lucky student. On the last regular game of the season, a $1,000 tuition scholarship will be awarded.

To register to win a tuition scholarship, participants will go into any Angelina, Polk and Trinity county Brookshire Brothers and look for the Dr. Pepper display.

Here is a list of winners so far - Congratulations!

Week 1: Renee Williams from SFA

Week 2: Caleb Langston from Diboll

Week 3: Natalie Denman from Hudson

Week 4: Ryan Dempsey - Lufkin High School

Week 5: Catarina Guerrero - Onalaska High School

Week 6: Randericka Greer - Lufkin High School