
Are You Near Sighted? Far Sighted? Screen Sighted?
It's a brand new problem thanks to smart phones. Since we spend so much time looking at small screens on smart phones and tablets, one researcher says it's ruining our eyesight!  Sort of.  At the very least, more people are having problems seeing things off in the distance. You can see your apps on your smart phone, but can you still read road signs ahead? Is our screen-centric world ruining our e
Test Your Eyesight With the Superb Vision Test App
Test Your Eyesight With the Superb Vision Test App
Test Your Eyesight With the Superb Vision Test App
Have you ever wondered whether you were colorblind or just needed glasses, but you're not sure if an appointment with the eye doctor is warranted? Well, with the Vision Test App, all you need is your phone to know if you need to start trying on frames.