DP Solutions Warning East Texans of Computer Scam
According to their Facebook page, "DP Solutions offers a full range of IT services and software solutions for small businesses and the heavy-duty truck industry." But Bruce Love, owner of the company, says that lately scammers are treading upon the good reputation of his company.
According to Love, a foreign-based telemarketing company is calling people all across East Texas saying that they are calling from DP Solutions, and their PC is infected with spyware/malware or is having “faults on the hard drive, and sending alerts to “us here at DP Solutions.”
The scam works like this: The phone operator, usually with a foreign accent, calls the potential victim’s cell phone. He or she then informs the victim that for some time we have been receiving the alerts that your pc is failing, has a problem, has malware, etc. Then the caller asks if the person is near a computer? If the answer is yes, then the telemarketer transfers the victim to the “team lead.” That person walks the person through clicking on the Start Run menu, a command prompt, and they ask the user to “type EVENTVWR.” They then navigate the victim through to the Microsoft Error log.
There are MANY natural errors in this log, but they have red exclamation marks that could easily cause a novice person concerns. The scam morphs to “if you can navigate to this website, we’ll help you fix the issue.” They then ask you to navigate to BLOCKEDsupremofree[.]comBLOCKED. When you hit that site, they’ll ask you to click on a download. Then run the file. If you do that, then you’ll have a pop up similar to “Team Viewer” where you are asked for a User ID and PW. Giving them that number gives them control over your PC, and all kinds of bad things can happen, credit card theft, malware, etc.
Love advises folks to NOT trust anyone calling from DP Solutions to do anything like what we are seeing. This has been going on for months. The caller has a caller ID that is a partial number, or from a spoofed number that does not work or exist. The DP Solutions number is 936-637-7977 and they do not solicit technical work in this manner.