Educators Kickin’ Axe! SFA Has The #1 Charter School In The State
As an SFA Alumnus, I tend to be a bit biased. However, SFA just got some news that doesn't require bias to make it "the best".
According to, the Stephen F. Austin State University Charter School, that accomodates students from Kindergarten to 5th Grade, ranks #1 out of 315 charter elementary schools in the state of Texas. According to the state test scores, 95% of students at the charter school are at least proficient in reading, and also 95% of the students are at least proficient in math. Out of more than 200 students, those numbers aren't too bad.
I know that personally, I've heard lots of good things about the charter school. I've heard positive things about the staff, the campus and all other aspects of it. And, that makes me proud to say that it is part of SFA.
So, before anyone knocks Nacogdoches' schools, just remember that according to the official numbers, we do have "the best" in something. And, if you were looking for a good elementary for your students, the Stephen F. Austin State University Charter School must be doing something right for the students, because they rank #1 in the state.
I guess it just goes to show you that Lumberjacks REALLY DO make great educators, huh?