‘Fuller House’ Ending After Fifth and Final Season
Whatever happened to predictability? The milk man, the paper boy, the evening TV?
The paper boy? Man, Full House is old.
That’s the charm of Fuller House, I suppose. The sequel series to the old ABC sitcom staple of the 1980s and ’90s takes you back simpler times. Netflix launched the new show, featuring pretty much all of the original cast of the old one (minus two Olsen twins) in 2016, and it became an immediate hit with nostalgic older viewers, who could introduce the show to their own kids. Full House; basically passed down from generation to generation like a priceless family heirloom.
Sadly, though, Fuller House has almost run its course. Netflix announced today the show is ending with its upcoming fifth season. You can watch a farewell message from the cast above.
Assuming Season 5 runs 13 episodes the way most of the previous seasons have, that would bring the show’s episode total to 60. The original Full House ran for eight seasons and a whopping 192 episodes in comparison. Literally everywhere you look you can find an old episode of Full House. Like a light that is waiting to carry you home. (Shoo-bit-a-ba-ba-bow.)
The fifth and final season of Fuller House will premiere on Netflix this fall.
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