Actor Jackson Odell, who is known for his roles on The Goldbergs and Modern Family, was found dead on Friday (June 8) in his Los Angeles home. He was 20 years old and the cause of death is as of yet unknown.

In addition to his acting career, Odell also had credits in the country music world as a songwriter. Earlier this year, two of Odell’s songs were featured in the movie Forever My Girl, which follows the life of a fictional country singer and stars Travis Tritt. The songs, "Wings of an Angel" and "Enough" were both recorded by Lauren Alaina, the latter also with Little Big Town's Phillip Sweet.

"He will always be a shining light and a brilliant, loving and talented soul," Odell's family said in a statement Sunday (June 10). "He had so much more to share. Our family will always carry that truth forward. Our wish is that the rest of the world who knew and loved him does as well."

The Los Angeles County coroner is currently investigating the death, and an autopsy should be completed in the next few days. Odell's family is requesting that fans allow them to "try to make sense of our immeasurable loss privately.”

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