If you are planning on staying home during spring break, the Kurth Memorial Library has activities planned for every weekday.  This will be free and fun, and great to keep those creative juices flowing during the long break.

Monday March 12th - Friday March 16th, show up at the Library at 11 am for a story and a craft suitable for all ages. Then starting at 2 pm, they will be showing a family friendly family friendly movie. These will be rated G or PG, and everyone will recognize the family friendly favorites.

Everyone is welcome to the library for this event. It's absolutely free, and no library card is required. But, since you will already be at the library, why not pick one up. I actually have a library card to this library, and I haven't used it for a long time. This reminds me of all the great books that they have on the shelves. You know what that means, they have a lot to choose from for story time.

Children under the age of 13 may not be left at the library without an adult supervision. No food or drink is allowed in the library. It remains to be seen, if you will be able to talk over a whisper...

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