October 18th is the date set for the 26th annual Power of Pink! at the Pitser Garrison Convention Center in Lufkin. Kay Frances will be the guest speaker.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and CHI St. Luke’s Health-Memorial Lufkin and the Volunteer Auxiliary are spreading the word about early detection and the importance of regular mammograms with some unlikely accomplices…pink flamingos!
Sean Ericson and I along with several other members of the media 'tripped the light fantastic' at the Power of Pink Luncheon in Lufkin on Thursday. I'm not quite sure what that phrase means, but when you're wearing a bra with feathers, it seems to fit.
It's Power of Pink week in East Texas. In October, CHI St. Luke's Health Memorial in Lufkin and Livingston hosts these sold out luncheons to raise breast cancer awareness.
Every October in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Memorial Health System of East Texas in Lufkin hosts a bra decorating contest. And, every year, Sean Ericson and myself are asked to be judges. (you can vote, too)
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and what better way to remind women to check their breast health than with hot, shirtless hunks? It's a stroke of marketing brilliance.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and a pink spotlight is shining on this cause by multiple arms of the entertainment industry. Country quartet Lonestar are doing their part to raise funds and awareness. The band are helping to corral $50,000 for benefit breast cancer research by doing what they do best -- perform.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, when health care experts, cancer survivors and research supporters pull out all the stops to make everyone aware of the need for proper breast cancer screenings, better detection tools and more research aimed at finding a cure.
We've gathered some easy ways for you to show your support below.