
This Highway is the Most Dangerous in Texas
This Highway is the Most Dangerous in Texas
This Highway is the Most Dangerous in Texas
When we head out on an awesome summer vacation, the last thing we want to worry about is getting in a nasty wreck. Texas has some crazy traffic, and there's one road in particular where drivers experience the most crashes.  Here's the big heads up. And while we're at it, we'll give you the most dangerous roads in Louisiana and Arkansas too, in case you're headed that way.
Where are the Most Dangerous Intersections in Lufkin?
Where are the Most Dangerous Intersections in Lufkin?
Where are the Most Dangerous Intersections in Lufkin?
It’s the beginning of a holiday weekend, YAY! And the beginning of people in your way on the road and aggressive drivers ticking you off. Who will present the biggest problem on the road today? It’s those darn red light runners. We’ve probably all had the experience of sitting at a red light that turns green, signaling our chance to go, and all of a sudden a car zooms through from the other dir
Can You Think Of A More Extreme Sport?
Can You Think Of A More Extreme Sport?
Can You Think Of A More Extreme Sport?
What you are looking at is a man (from California, no less) trying to climb a 650 feet frozen waterfall in Norway using nothing more than icepicks. Did I mention the temperature is -15 degrees.  I think I'll just stick to something safer, like riding a 2000 pound bull.