Gerardo Juarez didn't really know how to play any band instruments, but he wasn't going to let that get into his way of moving into an affordable dormitory!
The Great American Marching Band is a collection of the nation's high school band members that marches every year during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. This year, a Tyler high school student will be a part of that group.
Do not get caught in the halftime concession line or the bathroom line if you're going to a college football game this weekend. The halftime shows are too good!
Marching bands add so much to the atmosphere at high school football games, that it's hard to imagine what the game would be like without them. It's not Friday Night Lights without the band, and we've got three reasons why these dedicated students deserve a big high five this weekend.
Yes - I realize that Gangnam Style is not remotely country music, but I love watching marching bands get creative, and this is one of the best I've seen.
There's getting to be so many wedding proposals and flash mobs on youtube that it's getting to the point of being boring to watch.
This wedding proposal and flash mob combination, however, is pretty dang awesome.
Shoppers at an Arizona supermarket received quite a shock when a full marching band and other assorted revelers showed up at the store and started parading up and down the aisles.
It was all to promote the program Box Tops for Education, in which redeeming the proof of purchases from certain grocery items lead to funds being channeled into local schools. (via Buzzfeed)