The 34th Annual KICKS 105 Big Bass Splash on Lake Sam Rayburn presented by Sealy Outdoors is coming April 20th-22nd. This event has become the largest amateur bass fishing tourney in the world, and this year $600,000 in cash and prizes is guaranteed to be given away.
Thanks to a very wet Winter in East Texas, Lake Sam Rayburn is at one of its highest levels in the last 15 years. And, according to Bob Sealy, that has been producing some great results for area anglers -- lots of big fish.
I've known and worked with Bob Sealy from Sealy Outdoors for the better part of 25 years and one of the most prominent things I've learned about Bob is the following -
He's one of a kind.
By 6:30 Friday morning, Alex Finch of Lancaster, TX had already landed the bass that would bring him a prize package valued over $115,000. In fact, by Wednesday of last week, Finch already knew where this monster fish was located on Lake Sam Rayburn.
Hard to believe it has already been another year, but my next door neighbor is telling anyone who will listen about the big one that got away last year.
A lot of folks though it would take at least a 10.5 pound bass to win the annual KICKS/McDonalds Big Bass Splash on Toledo Bend this past weekend.
J.D. Harris of Laird Hill, TX (near Kilgore) is glad they were wrong.
You could win a new truck, boat, or thousands in cash just for catching a fish!!
The biggest amateur bass tournament gets underway tomorrow and continues through Sunday at Lake Sam Rayburn. The 28th annual KICKS/McDonalds Big Bass Splash with $580,000 in guaranteed cash and prizes is ready to kick off.
Here are a few things you should know:
It's not over 'til it's over.
It's not over until the fat lady sings.
Don't count your chickens before they've hatched.
Keep fishing until Bob Sealy says 'it's history'.
Okay...made the last one up, but that's what the 25th annual KICKS/McDonald's Big Bass Splash on Toledo Bend came down to...and Clay Shipp of Columbia, Louisiana made it pay off with a grand prize package valued at $80,000!!