Something new is happening with brides and grooms, and while it could be a fantastic new way to tie the knot, it may also really upset your grandma. Would you ever combine last names to invent a completely new one?
If you're tossing around a few possible dates for your wedding and you are dying to know which one is historically the most likely to have the perfect weather forecast, you gotta check this out. You could even cheat and use this tool to plan your next backyard barbecue.
It's something I can safely say you will never do, and it involves your eyeball. But just in case you're thinking about it, I'll mention that it's illegal, and I"ll save you some time in court.
It takes a lot of grit and determination to make a marriage last 70 years! And love too, we imagine.
Two couples tied the knot at a double wedding in Central Texas several decades ago, and they just celebrated that huge milestone this week.
This little girl knows all about weddings, and what the flower girl does during the wedding. She is featured in this video explaining to her father why she can't be a princess with a crown in a pretty dress. He obviously doesn't understand weddings AT ALL! Watch and learn from the master.
We nominate this story for 'Story of the Week.' An 11-year-old girl got the ultimate birthday surprise one day when she returned from school. Her dad, who is dying of cancer, walked her down the aisle in a surprise wedding at their home.