Exciting news in the digital world; Facebook will host a voting platform for this season of 'American Idol'!

Starting on Tuesday, March 1, ‘American Idol‘ viewers will be able to use Facebook to vote for their favorite contestants. With the help of online voting, this could be the season that viewers pick the next Carrie Underwood! Country’s one clear shot is Top 24 contestant Scott McCreery, the humble but talented teenager who has consistently blown the judges away with his deep voice and high morals.

Voting in the past has only ever used texting or calling, but it is very expensive for the show to offer a toll-free number to call as it requires more people and more technology. Online voting could make a huge impact on viewers’ engagement, according to Facebook’s Jackie Cohen: “The cost savings would be huge, although apparently some of that is paid for in the form of free advertising; still, if the studio can give out less free advertising, that’s more airtime to sell to paying advertisers.” She adds, “Adding Facebook voting would likely foster more participation in the voting.”

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