Meet BB-9E, The New – EVIL! – ‘Star Wars’ Droid
Those jerks in Australia get everything. They have kangaroos, koalas, Mad Max, and because of the stupid way the rotation of the Earth works, the days turn on the calendar there before they do here in the United States. So it’s already Friday in Australia, which means it’s already Force Friday II there, when Star Wars fans can buy the first wave of new toys from Star Wars: The Last Jedi. They include the reveal of a brand-new Star Wars character - BB-9E. An evil droid! He’s adorably evil!
The first wave of Last Jedi merch includes a few BB-9Es. Probably the crown droid jewel is the BB-9E Sphero, a remote-controlled toy you manipulate with an app on your smart device. It costs $150. (There’s also an R2-D2 Sphero that’ll set you back $180.)
You can watch this fancy schmancy (and evil schmevil) gadget in action:
If that’s out of your price range for a cutesy weapon of death and destruction, there is also a Pop! version as well. This one will only set you back a mere $10.
And if that still seems a little pricy (or not quite huggable enough), here’s an itty bitty BB-9E plush. This one costs $7.
We don’t know what he does, why he’s bad, who he works for, or whether he’ll even make the finished cut of the movie. (Where have ye gone, Constable Zuvio? A galaxy turns its lonely eyes to you.) But we love this guy. And we might have loved him even more if Rian Johnson had stuck with the character’s on-set nickname:
BB-H8 probably kill us if he had the chance, but we love him. The Last Jedi opens in theaters on December 15.
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