Classes That SHOULD Be Taught At SFA
It doesn't matter what college you go to, you're going to pick up the basics. Stuff like History, Math, Government, Science, etc. Then, there are more in-depth studies that vary by school, such as Texas A&M's veterinary program.
However, there should be some very basic - well, to normal people they would be considered basic - courses that would be beneficial in life. If you have any pull with Stephen F. Austin State University, perhaps you should show them the list below.
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Driving On North Street (Also known as "Driving In Town")
The purpose of this course is to make sure that drivers follow common driving etiquette, such as using blinkers, not cutting off other drivers, and not stopping in the middle of the road.
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Does It Fit? Choosing The Right Size Clothes
This is pretty self-explanatory. If you're a size S person, you do not choose the XL sizes. Likewise, if you're an XL person, you do not choose the S clothes. It's sad to think that some people need classes to choose the correct size.
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Walmart 101
There is too much information included in this class to write it all on here. Nuff' said.
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Time Management
There are a lot of people that say that the entire college experience is a lesson in time management. However, if there was a specific class on it, maybe it would stick a bit better.
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The Filter: Knowing When To Speak Up, and When To Just Not Say Anything
This is just what it sounds like, a class in when to not speak, so that students can try to not stick their feet in their mouths.