Enough About Relationship Red Flags, Let’s Focus on Green Flags.
We discuss the pitfalls of dating a lot on Chica and the Bald Guy. Our show delves into many relationship issues, and the vast majority of them are negatives. "Watch out for a guy who does _______." "Be careful of a girl who has _______ in her dating profile." Those are red flags, and while they are super important to look out for - what about the good things, the "green," flags?
Today we were talking about these green flags, and we discovered that there are some pretty common ones that we all hope to find in the guy/girl of our dreams. The Huffington Post actually put together a very succinct list. While each and everyone of us has green flags that cater to us as individuals (i.e. she cried in Avengers: Endgame) these are some pretty general items that should be on everyone's list.
1. You're the first person that they want to share good and bad news with.
2. You feel like yourself around them.
3. They make an effort to effectively communicate - especially when things suck.
4. They do things your way sometimes without complaining.
5. Your friends like you guys together.
6. You get a sense of pride from your relationship.
If you are hitting all of these very important milestones in a budding relationship, you may have just found a keeper.
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