Get This Freebie at the Lufkin Library in September
The Kurth Memorial Library is a great resource year round, and there's a big push going on right now to sign up for a freebie that will benefit you for the next several months.
A library card is a ticket to check out books and make digital downloads happen, and this is a great time to sign up for one. My girls and I are at the library once a week looking for new reads, and the library card makes them feel kinda cool and independent. Eight-year-olds are too young for a driver's license, so this little ID is the next best thing and makes them feel like they've arrived. Go with it parents, go with it.
September is Library Card Sign-up Month, and the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries across the country are teaming up with the superhero family from the Incredibles 2 movie to have some fun with the process. As the ALA puts it, "Signing up for a library card is a great step toward a truly super lifestyle." The dad in the movie (Bob) could have used the library while he was stressing about all of the day-to-day things on his plate and keeping the kids entertained. Go get the kids a book!
It's free to sign up for a library card at the Kurth Memorial Library, but you've got to show a valid ID, and parents have to sign the kids up for a card if they're under the age of 16. And if you lose the card, replacements are a buck.
There's not much left in life that's free, so don't miss this chance to get a whole lot of free access at the library. Maybe there's a classic novel you've always wanted to read but never took the time, or maybe you just need a quiet place to get some business done online in the computer lab. September is a good month to grab a library card and start making it happen.
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