Maps Show What Florence’s Impact Would Look Like Around the World
By taking this image of Hurricane Florence from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, then placing it over various places around the world using a Google map set to the same scale -- it's possible to get an idea of just how mammoth this storm is.
NOAA / Google Maps
Florence would cover Texas from El Paso to Galveston.
NOAA / Google Maps
The same goes for most of California...
NOAA / Google Mpas
...and New England.
Here is what Hurricane Florence would look like across the globe.
NOAA / Google Maps
Florence would stretch across the United Kingdom and would swallow Ireland entirely.
NOAA / Googla Maps
Most of Italy would be affected, as well.
NOAA / Google Maps
As would Japan...
NOAA / Google Maps
...and Egypt...
NOAA / Google Maps
...and Iraq...
NOAA / Google Maps
...and Romania, Serbia, and Bulgaria.
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