Laundry Pod Ingestion Has Killed 8 People
I was awakened to the dangers of Tide Pods way before kids started doing a challenge to ruin the internet. Once these colorful packets became popular, they were immediately causing harm. I was doing my laundry, and Mike Love told me about the dangers of the pods back in June of this year. I was not aware of the children harmed, and the fatalities associated with the product. Upon further research, I found out that adults with dementia are also tricked into thinking that they are food. Needless to say, I never bought them again, for the dishwasher or the washing machine.
Many ask why this disturbing challenge is here. Kids and adults looking for YouTube views found out that these seemingly innocent pods, were causing tens of thousands of poisonings. The AAPCC (American Association of Poison Control Centers) reported that in 2017 through December 31st, poison centers got 10,570 reports of kids, 5 and under, being exposed in some way to the pods. 2 children and 6 adults have died as a result of these pods in the past 5 years.
What would seem ridiculous to an adult, is a very real danger for our children and if you must use the pods, (and I don't know why you would after hearing this) take precautions to make sure that they are sealed and stored up high.
Make sure your kids aren't doing anything dangerous for the sake of video views, or at least let everyone in the house know those colorful little packets aren't candy.