Letterman Announces Retirement in 2015 [WATCH]
Talk show host David Letterman announced his retirement during a taping of his show Thursday afternoon (April 3) in New York. REM's bassist Mike Mills, who will be appearing on the show tonight, tweeted the news.
David Letterman's retirement comes just months after the retirement of fellow talk show host Jay Leno from NBC's Tonight Show. Letterman began his late night career in 1982 on NBC, then moved to CBS in 1993 after being passed over for the coveted Tonight Show hosting position.
I have been a David Letterman fan since the 80's and will certainly miss his brand of humor. It is, however, time for him to step down to make room for the new breed of talk show hosts. He'll be fondly remembered.
Letterman was the first talk show host to return to the air after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. I remember that night like it was yesterday. Here is that emotional video. He's the best.