UPDATE: Brendyn’s BBQ Unveils “Big News” On Social Media
Think back to last Friday, when we put up the post about Brendyn's BBQ teasing "Big News Coming Soon". Remember that? If not, you can read up on it by clicking the link below:
After we posted that on Friday, we got our answer. This was the post that they put up, making an "official" announcement:
This was the big news, and yes, it's legitimately big. Brendyn's will be setting up shop in the old Nine Flags Coffee Roasters location. As you can see from the post, they will have indoor dining, with the trailer attached to it. So, he will still be taking the trailer out and about, but they will have their own PERMANENT location.
If you haven't already, put this date down in your calendar, on your phone, whatever: May 1, 2020. Again, that's MAY 1ST! That's just a few months away.
This is really exciting news for the local food truck movement, and even more so for Brendyn's BBQ. Now, we can be excited for whatever's next!

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