Last year, Lufkin's little league team, "Thundering Thirteen", caught national attention after winning the title of US Champions, and going on to play Japan in the Little League World Series. This year, many of the same players are looking to grab another championship.

This year, a team from Lufkin known as the "Fierce 14s" - make sure you pronounce the 's' to make it plural - is playing in the Junior League World Series in Taylor, Michigan. Several of the players, as I mentioned earlier played in the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. That means that these boys are not strangers to being in the spotlight.

There are a few differences, however. For example, it's not the entire team from last year that's playing together. There are some new faces. Also, Bud Maddux is not the coach this year, but you can bet that he'll be keeping up with the games, and who knows? He might even be traveling to Michigan to watch them in-person!

The first game will take place on Sunday, August 12th, at 4 PM CST, and Townsquare Media Lufkin will be broadcasting all of it! You can catch all of the action on KVLL-FM, also known as My 94.7. And, if you can't listen via terrestrial radio, you can stream it live on, or on the My 94-7 app. What I'm trying to say is, there are several different ways that you can keep up with the games.


So, let's show our support for the "Fierce Fourteens", and see if they can bring a national title home to Deep East Texas for the second year in a row!


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