New Love’s & Arby’s Opens Up May 10th
We're getting another Love's gas station/truck stop, but the return of Arby's has got a lot of people excited.
If you've driven through the Redland area on Highway 59 recently, then you've probably seen the construction that's taking place on top of the hill. It started months ago, and now we're reaching the final stages of construction there.
That lot is going to be a new Love's gas station, similar to the one on the loop in Lufkin. And yes, I use the term 'similar' very loosely. The name of the gas station is really the only thing that makes it like the other one. This new Love's looks to be much larger, and it has a different restaurant built into it. It's North of Lufkin and South of Nacogdoches on the intersection of U.S. Highway 59 North and FM 2021.
The different restaurant? Arby's. That's right, we will finally be getting an Arby's back behind the Pine Curtain. You may remember that there used to be one on S. First Street in Lufkin, and there were TWO locations in Nacogdoches, both of which are closed now. But, it's official, the new Love's will feature an Arby's restaurant, as you can see below:
So, now it's out there. Love's featuring Arby's will be opening up on May 10th. Since that's a stretch of highway without restaurants or things of that nature, this is a welcome addition.
Community member, Mike Maberry seems to know what's up;
Now...let's discuss when Buc-ee's will be moving into this area...
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