November Brings Traffic Changes for South Street Construction Site
Motorists should prepare for a traffic switch in a major construction project beginning next week on Highway 59 near Spradley Street in Nacogdoches.
Contractors will be moving 59 southbound traffic to the newly constructed concrete pavement near the Spradley Street area. Cross traffic at Spradley will remain closed and Webber Construction, contractor for the $14 million project, will be working to construct the intersection at Spradley.
For those motorists traveling west on Spradley Street, they will be required to turn right (northbound) on US 59. Motorists traveling east on Spradley will be required to turn right (southbound) on US 59. Motorists traveling on US 59 will only be able to turn right onto Spradley from either direction. Once intersection improvements are completed, the cross traffic movement will be restored at Spradley Street.
Motorists should also be alert to excavation work in the area throughout the week that will require temporary lane closures leading to the Loop 224 Eastbound entry ramp on US 59 North.
This project, a part of the US 59 Corridor Master Plan, is currently in Phase I and will enhance safety and mobility. It is expected to be completed in Spring, 2017, weather permitting. Project improvements include raised medians north of Spradley Street to SL 224; U-turns at Spradley Street and near SL 224; sidewalk construction on both sides of US 59; and reconfiguring the US 59/SL 224 intersection that will allow enhanced turning movements at a signalized intersection.
Motorists are advised to reduce speed and stay alert through all construction areas, being careful to watch for workers and moving equipment. Traffic fines double when workers are present.
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