
March Madness is a Huge Time Suck at Work, and Maybe That’s Okay
You've probably seen the headlines about March Madness, and how employers are faced with dilemmas about whether to ban basketball-watching and bracket-checking at the office or just let it slide. People are gonna check scores anyway right?  I mean we've got our smart phones.  Seems like a losing battle.  Linkedin says bosses should go ahead and embrace the Madness.
Cheerleader Makes Unbelievable Half Court Shot
Cheerleader Makes Unbelievable Half Court Shot
Cheerleader Makes Unbelievable Half Court Shot
The internet has been on a roll with the half court shot videos lately. Still, in terms of impressiveness, this one is going to be pretty hard to beat. It's hard enough to sink a shot from half court, but this cheerleader also did some fancy gymnastics stuff first...

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