This could very well be your dream job. A Texas-based company is looking for someone to test mattresses and write about the experience on social media. If you want a job taking naps, you've got a few days left to apply.
They've studied our body clocks, and now say that the ideal workday should start at 10am instead of 7, 8, or 9. Cool! But here's why none of that matters.
Morgan Freeman, the actor that played "God" in the movie Bruce Almighty, made news earlier this week when he seemed to doze off during a TV interview.
If you find yourself dragging in the middle of the day, don’t reach for the coffee pot — reach for a pillow instead. Experts say naps may be a good way to make up for the sleep deficit many of us have from not getting enough shut-eye at night.
While brain activity during sleep is still largely a mystery, scientists have discovered that dreaming not only consolidates our memories and helps us learn, it may also soothe stressful reactions to bad experiences.