If you're looking for a job and you have a passion in guiding, teaching and mentoring children, there a dozens of job openings in the Pineywoods that might be right up your alley.  According to Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas, there are numerous job openings in a number of the area’s child care centers.

Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas is helping to connect those interested in these type of jobs by offering two job fairs to help fill the gap. Fully staffed centers can help parents get back to work in Angelina and Nacogdoches counties. Job seekers will be able to meet directly with the owners and/or hiring managers. There will be refreshments and drawings for $10-$25 gift cards, thanks to event partner Goodwill.

The first job fair will take place at a Child Care Job Fair in Angelina County.  This will take place Monday, August 9 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. There are immediate job openings in Angelina County child care centers. The job fair will be held at the Angelina County Workforce Center located at 210 N. John Redditt Drive in Lufkin.

The second job fair will take place at the Child Care Job Fair in Nacogdoches County.  this will take place Wednesday, August 11 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. There are also immediate job openings in Nacogdoches County child care centers. The job fair will be held at the Nacogdoches County Workforce Center located at 235 N. University Drive in Nacogdoches.

Assistance with preparing for the job fair, including writing a resume and interviewing tips, is available at the workforce centers. For more information, you're welcome to call 936-639-1351 or 935-560-1441 or visit www.detwork.org.


See How School Cafeteria Meals Have Changed Over the Past 100 Years

Using government and news reports, Stacker has traced the history of cafeteria meals from their inception to the present day, with data from news and government reports. Read on to see how various legal acts, food trends, and budget cuts have changed what kids are getting on their trays.

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