Upcoming Road Construction to Bring Southside Snarls in Lufkin
The Texas Department of Transportation is giving residents who travel in and around Lufkin a heads up concerning upcoming road work that will bring about some travel slow downs. Travelers should be aware of 3 projects which are being implemented.
The largest undertaking will be a new construction project on US 59 South, between Lufkin and Diboll. The work will consist of resurfacing US 59 South in Angelina County from Whitehouse Drive near the Walmart Supercenter in Lufkin all the way to Diboll (1.1 mile north of FM 1818). This project is designed to plane the existing pavement, apply a hot mix level up course, followed by a final permeable friction course that will repel water and reduce surface noise.
Moore Brothers Construction, Lufkin, will serve as contractor for the $8.3 million construction project that is scheduled to begin on June 26 and be completed by May, 2019, weather permitting. Crews are scheduled to begin setting barricades this Thursday and Friday.
North and southbound lanes of US 59 are included in this project, with some of the work scheduled to be done at night. Motorists should prepare for single lanes of traffic through the work area. Reduce speed and obey all traffic control devices. It is illegal to drive around a TxDOT barricade, cones or barrels. Stay alert to moving equipment and workers near the lanes of traffic as this project progresses.
Moving on to a second project involving part of the same area, on Wednesday, June 27, work is planned at the Whitehouse Drive intersection above US 59 South, near the Cracker Barrel restaurant. Crews will perform surface repair. Traffic control will be in place during work hours. This is a highly traveled area so motorists should expect delays and remain on high alert when driving in this area.
The third project will occur on Tuesday, June 26 and Thursday, June 28, as crews will work on State Loop 287 East to repair low edges on the southbound side, beginning at SH 103 East (Atkinson Drive) and moving to various locations. Delays should be expected and traffic will be confined to a single lane in the work areas.
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