Just over two months ago, the Liberty Bell in downtown Nacogdoches closed their doors for the final time. Yesterday, a Facebook post showed that there is something going on at the location.

You may remember a story that we did about the Liberty Bell closing back in May, that featured a video that was posted on the Liberty Bell website. If you don't remember, you can revisit that post here.

But, it apparently didn't take long for someone to decide to do something with the awesome location on the brick streets. The post below was posted yesterday on the Nacogdoches Main Street Facebook page:

Mark Cunningham
Nacogdoches Main Street Facebook

So, now the obvious question: What is coming to downtown Nacogdoches this time? Is it one of the five things that should be in downtown Nacogdoches that we posted about way back in April? Is it the new coffee shop from Twigs and Tin that's being hinted at in the Downtown Nac Coffee Project page on Facebook?

There have been a lot of rumors, but for the most part, it seems that the secret behind this new project has been kept well. So, what do you think it is? Better yet, what do you KNOW it is? Let us know in the comment section below.



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