10 Things You Will Never Hear True East Texans Say
As someone that was born and raised in East Texas, I would say that I have a lot of pride in where I'm from. I like it here, and I have no desire to leave. If you're curious about whether someone is a true East Texan, just listen to the things they say. There are some things that true East Texans just would not say.
If they've used any of these quotes, you can bet that they don't fall into the "True East Texan" category.
- 1
"I don't really like barbeque."
- 2
"Why can't this place be more like Austin?"
- 3
"I don't see why we Texans have so much pride."
- 4
"There are too many trees here."
- 5
"What's a lovebug?"
- 6
"We're basically from Louisiana."
- 7
"There's better ice cream than Blue Bell."
- 8
"Go Patriots!"
- 9
"We need a hockey team here."
- 10
"Who is JJ Watt?"