Jen Austin

Ellen Trout Zoo Names Baby Tiger
The new lion cub at the Ellen Trout Zoo has a name! It’s been a summer of births at the zoo, with several intriguing new babies born. The lion cub has been named Sango.
The city says the name has meaning – Sango is the Yoruba god of lightning and thunder.
We’ve got a chance to catch a sneak peak at the little lion cub this weekend, but we’ll have to be on our toes.

Junior League of Lufkin Helps Kids Get Fit
Kids get a bad wrap sometimes for being lazy and out of shape, but we know not all kids are lying on the couch, eating chips, and playing video games. We’ve seen lots of East Texas kids swimming this summer, playing baseball and softball, and even eating an occasional veggie.
To continue promoting healty habits, the Junior League of Lufkin is sponsoring Camp Get Fit/Kids at the First United Metho

Voters Head to the Polls for Texas Primary
Have you voted yet? Election officials in Angelina County say more than 5600 people voted early, in the two weeks prior to today’s primary.
The race for Angelina County Sheriff is one to watch. On the Republican side voters will choose between Allen Hill and Greg Sanches. Jim Hodges runs unopposed as a Democrat for Sheriff.
The polls are open from 7am to 7pm today, so let your voice be heard.

Where are the Most Dangerous Intersections in Lufkin?
It’s the beginning of a holiday weekend, YAY! And the beginning of people in your way on the road and aggressive drivers ticking you off. Who will present the biggest problem on the road today? It’s those darn red light runners.
We’ve probably all had the experience of sitting at a red light that turns green, signaling our chance to go, and all of a sudden a car zooms through from the other dir
Parts of East Texas to Get Partial Views of Solar Eclipse
An eclipse like this only happens once every twenty years, and it will be viewable in Texas Sunday; partially anyway.
A solar eclipse is when the moon blocks out the sun for a time, and leaves a ring of fire around its circumference. The sky gets a little spooky-looking for a bit and then the moon and sun part like a good Dancing with the Stars release move, and life goes back to normal.
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Lufkin High School Students Get Big Scholarship Money
Graduating seniors at Lufkin High School received $114,000 in scholarships from the Alumni Association Monday night at a ceremony at Tom Jack Lucas Auditorium. Big bucks! The LHS Alumni Association said that’s the highest dollar amount ever for them.
Contributions by other donors topped $3.1 million, and added up to hundreds of scholarships for 180 students. All that studying DID pay off. I kn

Farmer’s Market Open For Business In Nacogdoches
I’m always looking for local honey, since I’ve heard it’s good at helping with local allergies. Getting too scientific about it might make my head explode, but I’ve heard ingesting what the bees produce is supposed to help fight off seasonal allergies. I’m giving the kids a teaspoon a day and they don’t have many sniffles.
With the Farmer’s Market is open in Nac, you can not only get local honey

Weekend Brings Tamales to Diboll
It’s festival time in East Texas, and we love the ones that are built around food!
The 5th annual Tamale Festival happens from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday at Old Settlers Park in Diboll. They’ll have plenty of children’s activities, live entertainment, and of course food.
How many tamales do you think you can eat? Have you been practicing? You’ll have the chance to show off your eating skills at

Police Say Be On Your Guard After Hudson Attack
Ladies may be creeped out by the story out of Hudson this week. This is why we take those self-defense classes.
A woman was attacked while walking on the track at the Hudson ISD Monday, but managed to break free and call 911. The woman says the man fondled her before he ran off. Hopefully it’s an isolated incident, but it’s still causing some broader warnings.

Lufkin Dental Workers Accused of Stealing Gold With Teeth Attached
Two former employees at Palmer Dental, Heather Terry and Mary Dorsey, have been arrested for selling dental gold. The Lufkin Daily News reports, sometimes that gold was still attached to bloody teeth.

Seen Any Snakes in East Texas Lately? They’re Starting to Emerge
With the nice spring weather more people are starting to spend time outside, and the right combination of rain and sun also means snakes are happy, and they’re being spotted in greater numbers.