City of Lufkin Eases Restrictions on Car Dealerships
City of Lufkin officials have issued a statement concerning the easing of restrictions for area automobile dealerships. This step will allow businesses to open up their showroom floor as long as they adhere to social distancing requirements.
Here is the official release:
Under Governor Greg Abbott’s Executive Order GA-14 and Lufkin Mayor Bob Brown’s Stay-Home, Stay-Safe Order, automobile dealerships are essential businesses for purposes of the repair, lease and rental of automobiles.
The City of Lufkin has been awaiting an anticipated State of Texas Attorney General’s opinion regarding whether dealership showrooms could be opened, provided social distancing practices were maintained.
Today, the city has taken the proactive step of allowing automobile dealerships to open showrooms, provided the dealerships limit the number of individuals on the showroom floor to 10 or less, and that the dealerships comply at all times with the Social Distancing Requirements of the Stay-Home, Stay-Safe Amended Order.
The city’s interpretation of the governor’s Executive Order and application of Mayor Brown’s Amender Order will be effective immediately, pending any attorney general’s order in direct conflict.

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