Interim Principals Named at Two Nacogdoches Schools
Nacogdoches ISD has named interim principals at Nettie Marshall Academy of Dual Language and Mike Moses Middle School.
According to a release on the Nacogdoches ISD website, Jaydi Montero will take over at Nettie Marshall for the 2021-22 academic year, while Roxanne Lathan will lead Mike Moses. Nettie Marshall’s former principal, Dr. Joseph Rodriguez, has taken over at Malcolm Rector Technical High School while Stephen Autrey, previously at Mike Moses, is the new principal at Nacogdoches High School.
“We are pleased to have two of our very own capable leaders to serve at the helm of these two campuses,” said NISD Superintendent Dr. Gabriel Trujillo. “They will provide stable leadership while the district continues to move through additional restructuring as more projects related to the 2018 bond package come on line.”
Most recently, Montero has been Nacogdoches ISD’s bilingual curriculum coach. She’s been with NISD 18 years and has served as an elementary teacher, bilingual reading interventionist and campus LPAC coordinator. Montero has also worked the past seven years as a summer school principal for NISD.
Lathan has been assistant principal at Mike Moses. Previously, she was principal at Thomas J. Rusk Academy of Fine Arts and assistant principal at McMichael Middle School, Nacogdoches High School and Emeline Carpenter Elementary
The district is following through with plans to combine the two middle schools into one campus at McMichael Middle school, which is currently undergoing an expansion project. Once that move takes place, the Mike Moses campus will transition to an elementary school setting.
Both of the projects are part of the 2018 bond package approved by voters that also includes a new Emeline Carpenter Elementary and a CTE center at Nacogdoches High School.
As promised by NISD during promotion of the bond package, students currently attending Carpenter Elementary will remain within that school’s boundary. However, as Mike Moses is being converted for use by younger students and other campus bond/ construction projects proceed to completion, the district will continue to explore, address and communicate any subsequent attendance boundary changes within NISD.
Last month, NISD trustees approved an agreement with Templeton Demographics Services to guide the district while redrawing attendance boundaries.
“These are exciting times for the district, but they require attention to detail and lots of planning as we shift programs and campuses to new or renovated facilities,” Trujillo said.
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