Nac Coffee Roasters Build Community With Coffee & Conversation
Nine Flags Coffee Roasters in Downtown Nacogdoches hasn't been open too terribly long. However, since they've been open, they've jumped into the Nac community with both feet. Now, they're starting to build up the community with a new event.
The event that they're hosting is called Coffee and Conversation. This is a chance for the Nacogdoches community to come out, meet each other, enjoy the Nine Flags coffee, and - most importantly - build community.
This event is focused on making Nacogdoches a stronger town, and a stronger, more connected community. I don't know about you, but as someone that has grown up in the area, I think the concept of having a time for community members to just meet up in an effort to better the community is a pretty awesome concept.
Coffee and Conversation will take place on Thursday, August 8th, at Nine Flags Coffee Roasters. If you haven't been there, put this address into your GPS: 601 E. Main Street, Nacogdoches, TX 75961. Just look for the building with the huge Texas flag painted on the wall, and the nine flags hanging across the front of the building.
Now, make plans to be there. I've given you a week's worth of advanced notice, so that you can clear your schedule and put those plans into your calendar, planner, phone, etc. Plus, you get the chance to enjoy some fresh, local coffee, so that's an add-on, as well.
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