👍City of Lufkin Switches to new Emergency Alert System

👍Stay informed with alerts involving weather, traffic, police incidents, etc...

👍You can register for the new system now

Whenever an emergency happens in your region, the faster you know about that situation, the better. That emergency could be related to the weather, traffic, or the presence of some sort of imminent danger.

The City of Lufkin is moving to a new emergency alert system this month and is asking all residents to sign up, ensuring timely notifications.

For more than a decade, Lufkin has used Everbridge to send alerts. However, the city will be moving this month to a new system called Genasys. The system will be used much like Everbridge – to alert citizens of informational and emergency happenings via phone, email, and text message, according to Communication Director Jessica Pebsworth.

“Much like Everbridge, Genasys allows users to opt-in to the types of alerts they would like to receive as well as their preferred contact method,” Pebsworth said. “What users experience in the citizen portal is about the same as Everbridge, but the city side of Genasys is more user-friendly and intuitive. This will make it quicker for city officials to get alerts out during times when seconds truly count.”

In the past, the city has used its emergency alert system to communicate issues with water, weather, traffic, and even police incidents.

“Everbridge was invaluable to us during the ‘Snowpocalypse’ of 2021,” Pebsworth said. “We believe this new system will be even more effective in communicating with citizens in emergency situations.”

Though Everbridge contacts are expected to transfer into Genasys, city officials recommend registering to ensure alerts are received properly.

“Citizens may find that their information didn’t transfer or that it is outdated,” Pebsworth said. “That is why we recommend they register now.”

Register for alerts here: AlertLufkin.com.

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