Texas ranks 27th on the list that highlights real costs of smoking, and some of these numbers are unbelievable!
If you've never wanted to kick the habit before, the idea that you could have a million dollars leftover might be just what you need. Holy....um, smokes.
This is one of my dad's favorite pictures of himself. It's one of my favorites as well. In 2002, Kenneth Merrell retired from the Austin Fire Department after 32 years of service. In 2008, he passed away due to complications from lung cancer.
In a 29-page decision on Monday, US District Judge Richard J. Leon blocked the implementation of a law on graphic cigarette photos. It would’ve required tobacco companies to include explicit photos detailing the dangers of smoking on cigarette packages.
The 36 images proposed by the Food and Drug Administration include a picture of diseased lungs next to healthy lungs, a man exhaling smoke through