
iPad Cash Registers Guilt Us Into Tipping More
iPad Cash Registers Guilt Us Into Tipping More
iPad Cash Registers Guilt Us Into Tipping More
I took my daughters to a fast-casual food court the other day and each restaurant had an iPad cash register, which meant that I spent 12 to 20 percent more than I would have with other payment terminals. It's too hard to say no to the tip!
The New Apple iPad at 500 Degrees! (Video)
The New Apple iPad at 500 Degrees! (Video)
The New Apple iPad at 500 Degrees! (Video)
I love to BBQ as many of you know.  I am willing to accept the challenge of grilling new and unusual things.  This however, is beyond anything I've tried.  Watch as these guys grill up an apple iPad! "Can You Grill It?"
Chinese Teen Sells Kidney for iPad 2
Chinese Teen Sells Kidney for iPad 2
Chinese Teen Sells Kidney for iPad 2
Xiao Zheng, a 17-year-old living in China, wanted an iPad 2 so badly that he was willing to sell one of his vital organs to get it. Zheng didn't have the money for the tablet computer so he responded to an online ad that offered cash for healthy kidneys...