10,000 fast food locations across the world have installed "lie detectors" in their bathrooms. Louisiana fast food workers should be expecting it here too.
A New York first responder heard the buzz that Whataburger was a thing in Texas, and while he was here helping with the Harvey relief effort he decided to give it a try.
We asked some coworkers from our corporate offices in New York to try their tongues at saying some Texas town names. The results will definitely leave you laughing.
Meir Kalmanson says, "I love to dance! So I hit the streets of New York City to bust out a few moves... Enjoy!"
Why not?!! If you love people who are just feelin' their vibe and loving life, you'll like this guy.
The stars of Duck Dynasty were recently in New Your City promoting the new season of the A&E hit show. Unfortunately, one of the Robertsons was a victim of "facial profiling".
Are there zombies among us? The very popular and award winning AMC show The Walking Dead has been bring zombies into living rooms weekly. That is until Dish Network dropped them.
On Monday morning, Michael A. Davitt, a former New York State employee and known rabblerouser, delayed traffic on the Tappan Zee bridge in Rockland County. As a form of protest, he unfurled a rope ladder from the bridge and sat for hours with a 24-foot banner that accused county officials of a “cover-up.”
When Life gives you lemons, make lemonade, so what do you do when life gives you tons of snow?
Vern Scoville has lots of experience building epic snowmen. Last year, he built a 25-foot-tall snowman. How do you top a 25-foot-tall snowman? If you’re Vern Scoville, you build a 35-foot-tall snowman.