The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is issuing a warning to everyone over a certain kind of smartwatch, and that warning may just apply to you.
This technology could be a viable solution for both stores and customers as we navigate this current environment of labor shortages and higher food prices.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that VR isn't some sci-fi idea way out in the future. There are tons of great virtual reality devices and games out right now and you should treat yourself to seeing how far it's come in recent years.
DETCOG believes all residents in Deep East Texas should have reliable high-speed internet in their homes. These area meetings are an important first step.
If you're only asking Alexa for the current temperature in Lufkin or the score of the most recent Texans' game, you're totally missing out. The possibilities are endless, and sometimes she fires back some pretty goofy surprises.