We've got at least another month of the coldest winter weather in East Texas, and then we'll be out of the woods and it will start warming up. And what about snowfall?
If you see a scarf hanging on a tree outside around Lufkin, or even inside the mall on one of those Christmas trees, it's no accident.
There's meaning behind the scarves left lying around town, and those who find them "fitting" can keep them.
Texans don't quit going to the beach just because it gets a little chilly. And since we're this far south, we've got some great beaches with year-round activities that are just a short drive away. The winter road trip will be on, and now is the time to plan it.
If you only had three months to live, what would you do with your time? Fly to Mexico of course! That's what the monarchs are doing right now, and we've got the scoop on a massive migration through Texas that you can't help but notice.
This winter is expected to be colder than normal,and we could have more ice and snow than we've seen in awhile. Maybe this eclipse is knocking our weather a little silly.
Each year on February 2nd we have to sit around and wait on Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania to know whether we're going to have more winter, or if spring will come early. Texas has apparently had enough of that nonsense, and that's why we're answering with Bee Cave Bob, the Armadillo.
Can we eat chili when it's partly cloudy and 66? That's the forecast today and it seems a little warm for chili, but Texans have to go for it while we can. January is chili season, and I just gotta share my favorite chicken chili recipe with you.
Unless you’re lucky enough to live in one of those beautiful, warm places, where the weather never changes, you are now settling in for a season of gloves, static, chapped lips and chills to the bone. But what do we really know about how our bodies react to winter?