We are now officially three weeks away from the SFA rush coming back to Nacogdoches. Classes for new and returning Lumberjacks start on Monday, August 27th. If you are a resident of Nacogdoches, there's a checklist that you need to consult before the students get back.

Fortunately, we've got that list for you. If you can check every item off this list, then you should be ready for SFA to be back in session.

  • Display SFA flag in front of your house, apartment, office, etc.
  • Purchase SFA sports tickets (this means ALL sports).
  • Plan a route that avoids North Street (this will come in handy once classes start).
  • Enjoy having the coffee places all to yourself, before they get packed with students.
  • Go to the movies as much as possible between now and student arrivals (after that, they'll be packed).
  • Buy any and all office supplies that you think you MIGHT need between now and May.
  • (If you're a Ramen fan) Buy it now. It'll be in short supply after August 27th.

This is just a short list, and by no means a full list of things that should be done before students return on August 27th. If we missed something, don't lose your mind over it, just let us know in the comments below.


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