The Very Personal Reason Why ‘A Continuous Christmas’ Still Airs
At 6 p.m. this evening, our annual tradition of a KICKS 105 Continuous Christmas will kick off. It's 18 hours of the best Christmas songs back to back, brought to you by McWilliams and Son Heating and Air Conditioning.
I've been with KICKS 105 since 1990 and every year we have presented this feature. Sometime in the mid-1990s, the job of putting the music together for this feature fell on me, and I have been responsible for it ever since. I love the Christmas season and the music that goes along with it, so I enjoy hand selecting every song that goes into the playlist for our Continuous Christmas feature.
Back in the 90s, most radio stations featured some sort of 'back to back' Christmas music feature that aired Christmas Eve through Christmas Day. Many have stopped doing that now and I completely understand why. If someone wants to listen to Christmas music they can access it anytime they want through portals such as Spotify, YouTube, Pandora, Apple Music and many others. Heck, we even have a channel available on our KICKS 105 App that plays nothing but Christmas music.
So, why do I to ask my bosses to allow KICKS 105 to continue this feature every year, as well as allow me to program the music for it?
It's for a very personal reason. For 18 hours, it allows me the opportunity to praise God and thank Him for the gift of his Son. I fall way short of the mark in what I should do on a daily basis to worship God, but somehow, hand picking the music to honor this holy day just seems like the right thing to do.
I'd love it if you and your family would take some time to listen to some of our Continuous Christmas on KICKS 105. I think you would enjoy the mix of music. But, as strange as this sounds, that's not the goal of the feature. It's basically 18 hours of saying thank you to God.
I hope you have a very merry Christmas and I hope that you find time to give thanks to God during this wonderful season.
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