It's time to recognize our KICKS 105 and Citizens National Bank outstanding Drill Team Members of the Week.

Congratulations  to the Diboll Dazzler of the week, Allee Hernandez! She is not only a line member, but she is a social officer, too. Allee always has a good attitude and brings the team spirit up each practice and performance. Thank you for all you do Allee!

Allee Landscape


On October 26th, Spirit Dancer of the Week was Senior Jasmine Wallace and Freshmen Kiersten Whitaker was named Highstepper of the Week . Eight weeks into the season and these two are still going strong! We appreciate their hard work and dedication to our team!

Highsteppers 1102


For the Livingston Emerald Belles for Week 7, Spirit Girl for the week was Macie Rogers.  She always has a smile on her face and motivates her team to always do their best.



Dancer for week 7 was Hailey Jordan.  As a first year Belle, Hailey works hard to perfect her performance each week.  And always with a smile!

HaileyJordan (003)




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