Will East Texas Be Spared From Friday’s Ominous Tornado Outbreak?
The threat of severe weather and tornadoes is something that East Texans have to endure every spring. Even though we are used to that risk, we should never downplay a forecast that warns of the possibility of a severe weather outbreak.
The catastrophic devastation that recently happened in Mississippi should be a reminder to always be alert and to have a plan of action in place in the event of dangerous and life-threatening weather.
This Could Be Worse Than Last Week's Tornado Outbreak
I'm talking about the overall number of people affected. I pray we don't have another major loss of life situation. However, EF2 or stronger tornadoes are probable, and some long-track twisters are also possible.
Over a dozen states throughout the Midwest and South are at risk of severe storms with tornadoes on Friday. Portions of east and northeast Texas are included, but the worst of the worst seems to be designated from Arkansas and northward to Wisconsin.
Folks that live near Memphis, Tennessee, and around the border of Iowa and Illinois look to be the most susceptible to a major outbreak
What About the Pineywoods?
Deep East Texas looks to be on the southern periphery of the severe weather outbreak. On a scale of 1-5, we are bordering on the marginal category.
That means that when Friday afternoon rolls around, don't be surprised to see a few strong, or maybe even severe storms in our neck of the woods, but it looks like more widespread instances of dangerous weather will happen to the north of Interstate 20.
So far this spring, meteorologists with the Storm Prediction Center have been doing an outstanding job of pinpointing where severe weather will strike, but mother nature is never 100% predictable.
Stay alert to the forecast and weather conditions and download our station app for weather alerts sent to your smartphone.

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