Lake Livingston State Park - Texas Parks and Wildlife are inviting you to come see the honey bee in all its glory.

On May 27th. The Lake Livingston State Park will have an observation hive in their park store, "The Sunset Marina,"  where you can safely learn about the life cycle, care, and importance of European Honey Bees.

Bee icon.
Getty Images/iStockphoto

The program is an hour long, and you'll be able to see the honey bees in action live..

Visit their Facebook page set up for the event, where they recommend what you should bring to stay comfortable throughout the program.

Regular park admission fees of $5 per adult ages 13 and up apply; no additional charge for activities. No reservations necessary. This looks like a great way to teach your kids or even adults that want to learn of the importance of our buzzy pals and other pollinators.

The Life of a Honey Bee via Facebook

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