East Texas Chooses These Dogs As The Top High-Maintenance Breeds
We love our dogs. They are beloved members of our family. Dogs dish out loads of unconditional love. They can brighten our whole outlook when we are going through a rough stretch.
But, just like any other family member, dogs can be spoiled, demanding, expensive, and moody. I guess the word high-maintenance is good at encompassing all those terms.
Recently, we posed the following question on our radio station's Facebook page:
We love our dogs...but what breed is the most high-maintenance dog you've ever had?
Boy, did we get a ton of responses. We heard stories about a dog that would not drink unfiltered water, dogs that were expensive thanks to skin allergies, a dog that was a Police Academy dropout, and numerous dogs that had spots picked out on the furniture or bed that no one else was allowed to sit or sleep in.
High-maintenance can refer to dogs that are beyond spoiled, expensive, and/or just require more patience than most humans have. With that as the definition, here are the results that East Texans chose for the dog breeds that are highest maintenance.
High-Maintenance Breeds
- Bulldog - Whether French, English, or other, bulldog owners overwhelmingly chose their breed as the #1 breed requiring the most attention.
- Husky - I've seen videos where huskies throw temper tantrums whenever they are commanded to do something they don't want to do. Apparently, these videos are indicative of how Huskies behave...or don't behave
- German Shepherd - The overall vote count had these guys neck-in-neck with the Huskies. I used to have a German Shepherd and I don't recall it being high-maintenance. Then again, I was in elementary school and it was up to my parents to take care of him.
- Australian Shepherd - I will paraphrase one of our respondents. There's a reason this breed is nicknamed 'Aussholes'.
- 'Doodles' - Whether it's a Golden Doodle, Labradoodle, Bernedoodle, or another kind of doodle, when you have the name doodle in your name, you're going to require extra attention.
- Pug - The first thing I think of is the talking pug from Men in Black. Frank was a handful even as a space alien, so it makes sense that pugs on planet Earth would also be demanding.
- Pit Bull - These guys can be spoiled just like any other breed, but they are also super strong. So, moving them off their favorite couch or bed can be a problem.
- Yorkies - They may not be super strong like a Pit Bull, but they are super strong-willed, which may be worse.
- Border Collie - It's dangerous when a dog is very handsome or beautiful...and they know it.
- Maltese - This is more the fault of us humans. This may be the most groomed and pampered dog in history. When you give the royal treatment to a dog over and over, they're going to truly believe that they sit on the throne of the household.
We had many other suggestions for high-maintenance breeds such as labs, spaniels, terriers, mutts, and more. Some brave, or perhaps foolhardy soul suggested their wife as tops for high-maintenance.
Regardless, we thank you for participating in the non-scientific study and invite you to browse these East Texas dogs doing their best to be spoiled.
High Maintenance Dogs
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Gallery Credit: Dan Patrick
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