Yes...I got the dreaded summons in the mail a couple of weeks ago -- JURY DUTY.

Now, I understand it is my civic duty as a proud American, and I am only too happy to perform this duty, but why can't the court time these jury duty appearances when my in-laws are in town.

Of course, I would never lie or stretch the truth to try to get out of my lawful obligation, but this summons did make me look up some of the crazier excuses heard by judges by those trying to weasel out of jury duty.  


"Yes, your honor, I do believe in probation, except not for this lying piece of trash"

"I'm psychic and I already know the outcome of this trial"

"I can't wait to post these proceedings on my Facebook page"

"I can't miss my tee time"

Do you have another other excuses that you've heard of?

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