It's our civic duty...and it's the law.

When you get a jury summons, you must take the time to appear in court for the possibility of serving on a jury.  Of course, you are given the opportunity to present your case to opt out in the case of extenuating circumstances. 

I have been on a jury once...I actually was the foreman and I took a measure of pride and patriotism in the fact that I was serving a greater good. 


The case itself involved the transportation of drugs -- it was an interesting case, but it certainly didn't have the fireworks or notoriety of a case like that of Casey Anthony.

Which brings up an interesting point. 

Would you have reservations now about serving on a jury in a high profile case?

After delivering an unpopular verdict, members of this Florida jury have received death juror has now moved from their home. 

So, with that being said, what about now?  What about you? 

Would you try to convince the judge to let you out of serving given that there was the hypothetical possibility that there could be some sort of major backlash after the verdict?  Or do you feel your civic duty outweighs all potential danger?

Let us know what you would do...and if there's a judge in the crowd, would the intimidation factor be grounds for you to let off a prospective juror?

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